
"ell points are smaller diameter tubes with slot near the bottom that are inserted into the ground from which water is drawn by a vacuum generated by a dewatering pump. System consist of number of well points spaced along a trench, all connected to common header, which is attached to one or better points pump.
Dewatering is an important step in any construction process. To have a solid and strong basement, it is very important to vacate the soil of that site of the water.
If the construction site is near a water body, then dewatering becomes even more important. In these days this dewatering is done by a special type of device called submersible pump or well-points dewatering pump. This device has a hermetically sealed motor close-coupled to the motor body. This structure is then submerged into the water to be pumped.

This avoids a big problem of pump cavitation. As water is pumped from the deep soil, a hydraulic gradient is formed which removes water from the neighboring soil pores. Water simply flows into the well forming a cone of depression around the well so that there is no space left in the pore spaces of the soil in and around the neighboring soil.

Applications of Wells Point Dewatering Pumps
Dewatering pumps are not only used at the construction sites, but they also have many other applications as well. India is a farming country. But most of the areas are still dependent on the monsoon which is highly unpredictable. So irrigation is very necessary by other means.

Dewatering pumps are also needed for the construction of the wells. A deep well mainly consists of a borehole fitted with a slotted liner and an electric dewatering pump. In big metropolitan cities dewatering pumps are fitted in big societies to draw water from underground. Dewatering pumps of high horse-power are fitted in these building so that water needs of the whole society can be taken care of.

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