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Deserve IAS is the Best BPSC coaching in Patna Which is known for its Highly Qualified faculties who have years of experience in teaching the students of BPSC, UPSC & Civil services. Our coaching programs are specially designed to help aspirants and focus on improving both Practical skills as well as their Interview Skills. We offer the best Foundation batches for BPSC & UPSC, which cover both the static and current aspects of the exam, and we also offer BPSC special batches for Prelims, which cover all the important topics and types of questions asked in the exam. Our BPSC & UPSC Mains classes provide comprehensive coverage of all the important topics and answer writing practice to help aspirants prepare for the Mains exam. We also offer Special Interview Panel for BPSC & UPSC aspirants, providing personalized feedback and guidance to improve their interview skills.

Our Coaching Courses include:-

1)BPSC Hindi Medium

2)UPSC Hindi Medium

3)BPSC Foundation English Medium

4)UPSC Foundation English Medium

5)Optional Subject for UPSC

6)Optional Subject for BPSC

As the most trusted UPSC coaching in Patna, Our aim is to provide Quality Education with the best guidance to the aspirants and helps them to achieve their success in BPSC, UPSC & Civil Services fields.

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