18/10/2022 Food Items
Although originating in China, Darjeeling oolong tea has also been gaining popularity for its distinct flavour profile. The perfectly rolled and semi-fermented oolong teas from Darjeeling are considered a tea in between green and black. Visit https://www.okaytitea.com/9-19-okaytiproduct-1888-oolong-prestige and explore the best oolong tea from Darjeeling.
Although originating in China, Darjeeling oolong tea has also been gaining popularity for its distinct flavour profile. The perfectly rolled and semi-...
Find the finest oolong tea priced reasonably at Okayti, home to the finest orthodox Darjeeling teas. We harvest the succulent leaves, process them in ...
Oolong tea price depends on many factors, the region where they are produced is the most significant one. At Okayti, we harvest only the choicest of l...
Darjeeling white teas are minimally processed teas made in very small batches. This rare tea is often made exclusively from silver tips and it steeps ...
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