27/03/2024 Education - Training
In CSS, the text-decoration property is used to control the decoration or styling of text within an HTML element.
The text-decoration property can be applied to inline and inline-block elements.
Values for the text-decoration property:
none: This is the default value and removes all text decoration.
underline: Adds an underline to the text.
overline: Adds a line above the text.
line-through: Adds a line through the text, like striking through it.
blink: Creates a blinking or flashing effect for the text. This value is not widely supported and is often avoided due to its obtrusive nature.
In CSS, the text-decoration property is used to control the decoration or styling of text within an HTML element. The text-decoration property can be ...
"HTML and CSS: the building blocks of the web! Master these essential frontend technologies with our courses in Mumbai. From structuring web pages to ...
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The display: inline-block Value: In CSS, the display property is used to control how an HTML element should be rendered within the layout of a web pag...
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