23/03/2024 Education - Training
In CSS text can be styled in a variety of ways to control its appearance on a web page.
We can change properties such as font size, color, and alignment, to achieve the desired visual effect.
Text properties and their usage
Font Properties:
font-family: Indicates the font family for text.
font-size: Sets the size of the text.
font-weight: Controls the thickness of the text.
font-style: Defines the style of the text (italic, oblique, normal).
Text Alignment:
text-align: Aligns text within its container (left, center, right, justify).
Text Decoration:
text-decoration: Adds or removes text decorations (underline, overline, line-through, none).
Line Height:
line-height: Sets the vertical space between lines of text.
Text Transform:
text-transform: Transform the text (uppercase, lowercase, capitalize).
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