10/04/2024 Education - Training
The display: inline-block Value:
In CSS, the display property is used to control how an HTML element should be rendered within the layout of a web page.
The display: inline-block; value combines the characteristics of both inline and block-level elements, resulting in a unique rendering behavior.
Elements with display: inline-block; can be easily aligned horizontally or centered within their parent container.
They allow for the use of dimensions (width and height) as well as margins and padding.
You can set line-height to control the vertical alignment of text within inline-block elements.
Using inline-block to Create Navigation Links:
One common use for display: inline-block is to display list items horizontally instead of vertically. The following example creates horizontal navigation links:
The display: inline-block Value: In CSS, the display property is used to control how an HTML element should be rendered within the layout of a web pag...
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