09/04/2024 Education - Training
The CSS float property is used to control the positioning of an element within its parent container.
When you apply the float property to an element, it can be moved to the left or right of its containing element and have other content flow around it.
CSS Float property:
Property Description value
clear the clear property is used to avoid left,
elements after the floating elements which right,both
flow around it. none, inherit
float it specifies whether the box should float or not.
CSS Float property Values:
Value Description
none It specifies that the element is not flaoted, and will be displayed just where it occurs in the text. this is a default value.
left It is used to float he element to the left.
right It is used to float the element to the right.
initial It sets the property to its initital value.
inherit It jis used to inherit this property from its parent element.
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