04/04/2024 Education - Training
The display property is one of the most fundamental CSS properties,
and it controls how an element is rendered on the page.
Display Property Values in CSS:
display: inline
This value makes an element an inline-level element, meaning it only takes up as much width as necessary and does not start on a new line.
Elements like and are inline-level by default.
display: block
This value makes an element a block-level element, meaning it takes up the full width of its parent container and starts on a new line.
Elements like , , and are block-level by default.
display: inline-block:
inline-block: This value combines features of both block and inline.
It allows elements to have block-level properties like setting width and height while remaining inline in the flow of content.
display: none:
none: This value hides the element, making it completely invisible and taking up no space on the page.
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