Price: 499.00 ₹

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Glass test tube planters are a distinctive and adaptable way to add greenery to your interior design. To create a beautiful live art piece, one inventive option is to hang them in clusters from the ceiling or a wall-mounted rack. Additionally, you can use them as table centerpieces by putting different plants at varying heights to create a visually striking arrangement. Repurposing them as kitchen herb gardens is another creative way to use them; this way, you can easily cultivate fresh herbs for cooking and incorporate some greenery into your cooking area. Additionally, to give your floral arrangements a contemporary and minimalist look, think about exhibiting single stems or little bouquets in glass test tube planters as an alternative to traditional vases. Their elegant style and endless possibilities, glass test tube planters are sure to elevate the style and ambiance of any room in your home.

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Reference Id:#2263018
Phone Number:08928494885


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