Consult Dr Anoop Jhurani for Knee Replacement

07/02/2023 Alternative Treatments

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Consult Dr. Anoop Jhurani for Knee Replacement
Even though knee replacement is an innovative procedure, there are additional risks and considerations. We are aware of how irritating it might be to be limited in what you can do compared to before your accident and surgery. So, every step of the way, we are here to support you. We will assist you in having a rapid and less painful recovery with the support of our team of surgeons.
With over a decade of experience and training in knee replacement surgery, Dr. Jhurani has offered his patients an improved quality of life that they appreciate. Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Anoop Jhurani’s goal as a surgeon is to provide the best care before and after surgery while minimizing pre-and post-operative risks.
The Recovery Process
After the surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room where you will stay for a few hours. You will be closely monitored during this time. Once you are awake and your vital signs are stable, you will be transferred to your hospital room.
You can expect to feel some pain and discomfort after the surgery. Your doctor will prescribe medication to help with this. It is important to take it easy and not overdo it during your recovery. You may need to stay in the hospital for a few days or up to a week, depending on your situation.
You will likely have some swelling and bruising around your incision site. This is normal and should resolve within a few weeks. You may also have some drainage tubes in place to help reduce swelling. These will usually be removed before you leave the hospital.
Once you are home, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions for caring for your incision site and managing your pain medication. You will also need to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for at least six weeks as your knee heals.
Your doctor will likely recommend physical therapy as part of your recovery process. This can help you regain strength and range of motion in your knee joint. Most people make a full recovery within three to six months after surgery

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