Computer Recycling Company in India

12/01/2022 Other Services

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Computer recycling defines the repair, refurbish and reuse of computer desktop, laptops servers etc. that have been discarded or considered to be obsolete. These computers contain sensitive information and can harm the environment and your organization when not properly disposed of.

Spas Recycling Pvt Ltd. a leading computer recycling company in India provides end-to-end IT disposal facility of obsolete computers and laptops
Computer Recycling Company Process

Our process of pc scrap disposal comprises of various steps as below:

We collect working or non-working computers, obsolete computers, computers waste and pc scrap from your location and secure transfer to our recycling facility. We have pan India collection centers.

All materials are then manually sorted by item type before moving into the advanced stages of refurbishing, repairing and reuse.

After sorting, products are tested for possibility of reuse. Most of the computer is likely to be repaired, upgraded or refurbished. All data on the hard drives are erased properly to ensure all the data in the Hdd is destroyed and then sold or donated.

Recycle & Refine
Whatever remains that cannot be recycled are then sent to our further processing units for extraction precious metals, non-ferrous metals, plastics etc. We recycle and refine materials without harming the environment.
Computer Scrap Disposal Benefits

Keeping Our Landfills Safe
Recovery of Resources
Data Security
Community Support
Keeping Our Landfills Safe
Job Creation

Computer Recyclers

We as leading ewaste recyclers in India we purchase all your computer and IT scrap and recycle in cost effective way. We also provide “Certificate of Disposal” to our clients.

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Reference Id:#1846951
Phone Number:8691899899


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