03/06/2022 Distance Learning Courses
The open school system works differently from the regular school. While regular school has fixed number of classes and a uniform routine, open schools are for those students who cannot go to school daily due to various reasons. CBSE Open School Admission for Class 10th and 12th enrolls all those students who have not been able to complete their secondary and senior secondary education and cannot attend regular school—this can be a result of failure, no funds for school, medical and family conditions etc. This opportunity also works for students who have a gap year in between the classes and can now appear for the board exams.
The open school system works differently from the regular school. While regular school has fixed number of classes and a uniform routine, open schools...
Mass education, help you not only with your admission in class 12th from NIOS BOARD (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OPEN SCHOOLING) but also provides regular c...
The National Institute of Open Schooling is one of the three national board of secondary education and offer school education through open and distanc...
Introduction to BBOSE To hoist Education and Skills to every individual in the region of Bihar, the Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination with...
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