Colon Cancer Specialist in Delhi

16/03/2023 Hospitals, Clinics

Price: 500.00 ₹


Colon cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the tissues of the colon, which is part of the large intestine. It typically starts as small, noncancerous clumps of cells called polyps that can develop into cancer over time. Colon cancer treatment options depend on the stage and location of the cancer, but may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy. Treatment goals include removing the cancer and preventing its spread or recurrence. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is a highly skilled colon cancer specialist in Delhi with 12 years of surgical experience. He is currently practicing at Manipal Comprehensive Cancer Center in Delhi, where he provides Colorectal Cancer Treatment and expert care to patients with colon cancer. In other words we can say that Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is the Best Colon Surgery Doctor in Delhi NCR. Dr. Kumar is well-versed in the latest advances in cancer care and uses a multidisciplinary approach to develop personalized treatment plans for his patients. He understands that each patient's case is unique and works closely with them to provide individualized care that meets their specific needs. Dr. Kumar's expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer has earned him a reputation as a trusted and compassionate physician. He is dedicated to providing his patients with the highest level of care, and his compassionate approach helps to put his patients at ease during what can be a difficult and stressful time. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with colon cancer, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar is one of the Best Colon Cancer Doctors in Delhi. With his expertise and experience, he gives you the best Colon Cancer Treatment in Delhi and you can trust that you will receive the best possible care and treatment for your condition.

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Reference Id:#2058434
Phone Number:9869122384


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