03/01/2024 Pets & Animals
Toy dogs from Mexico are known as Chihuahuas. This little dog breed is named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where it is indeed rather little. Their amazing size and endearing personality make them popular. Just keep in mind that they are not able to withstand high levels of heat and humidity and that you should keep them in cool places. Apartments and flats are a good option for them until they start buying items twice since they are so little.A summary of the pricing is provided here:Puppy prices range from 25,000 to 60,000 Mumbai in rupees for males and 20,000 to 50,000 rupees for females.The coat color of a Chihuahua can vary, with some colors being more rare and desirable than others. This might affect the price; a merle, for instance, can cost more than a solid-colored option.Puppy age: Older pups cost less than their younger counterparts. Younger people are in more demand due to their vivacious personality and infectious charm. If you are on a budget, you might want to choose an older model because they might be less expensive.Cost may also differ depending on where the breeders are located. Urban puppy prices could be more than their rural counterparts. The price each month is reasonable. Between two thousand and three thousand Mumbai rupees is the total.
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