06/04/2022 Cooks-Drivers
Ajeets Group is a manpower recruitment agency that offers state-of-the-art recruitment services for a number of industries. Catering recruitment is one of those industries. This industry is always filled with job openings and we keep ourselves updated on that information as we have a very strong international clientele network. As a Catering Staff Agency, Ajeets Group selects the best candidates out of millions of candidate profiles. According to the talent and experience of the candidates, our recruitment experts deploy them to their suitable job positions. The candidates who apply through us get to select their desired locations. Catering Staffing is our forte as we have been working in this industry for the last 16 years. Our team of experts also gives basic training to the candidates for the smooth operation of their job roles. Though our services are available for all the countries, we majorly focus on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, and China in the Far East. The candidates, generally, come from Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and the Philippines. Check out our catering recruitment services now!!!
Contact Us:
AJEETs Management & Manpower Consultancy
Western Edge 2, Office No 407,4th Floor, Opp.Metro Mall,
Western Express Highway,
Borivali -East
Mumbai-400066, India
Email ID: hr_one@ajeets.com
Website: http://www.ajeets.com
Face book: https://www.facebook.com/AjeetsOutsourcing
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ajeetsholding
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ajeetsgroup
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