Car Leasing Plans In India|Avis Lease

08/08/2021 Taxi, Bus & Car Rentals

Price: 10000.00 ₹


As we know the trend of Car Leasing is increasing in India, especially in the Corporate Sector because a corporate house requires cars for many uses, and getting them on lease is a cost-effective way. Avis Lease is a company that can fulfill your requirement for a corporate car lease in India. Talking about the services provided, We provide three different kinds of plans namely Red carpet Lease, Premium Lease, and executive lease These plans offer different types of services so the customer can choose according to his needs and budget. Given below is a detailed explanation of all these plans.
1.Red Carpet Lease- This plan includes all the services provided by the company.
2. Premium lease plan - It is also known as the flexible Lease plan that provides you the flexibility of adding and removing some options from the plan.
3. Executive Lease-This plan offers very limited options for the customers. It includes Avis Assistance and all the other features are optional to include.
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