Can I use dummy ticket for schengen visa

10/07/2024 Airline Tickets

Price: 5.00 US$


It is possible to apply for a Schengen visa using a dummy ticket. It's a legitimate and acknowledged activity. A dummy ticket is a fictitious or simulated airline reservation that contains all the details required to apply for a Schengen visa, such as the airline name, the flight dates, and the reservation code.Using a dummy ticket when applying for a Schengen visa has various advantages. One advantage is that you won't have to worry about losing money by meeting the requirements for a visa in the event that your application is rejected. To supply the required paperwork for plans for additional travel, you can use a simulated flight reservation.
For approximately INR350, or $5, a dummy ticket for a Schengen visa is currently available.
Purchase at right now

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