21/01/2024 Chemists
COOL CHEM STORE is a group of trusted and legit research chemical suppliers based in the USA. We have many research laboratories that ensure the quality production of legit and high-quality research chemicals, psychedelics, benzodiazepines, opioids, cannabinoids, and stimulants. For products, we don’t synthesize. We work with certified labs such as Proximo Chem Labs, Paracelsus RC Vendors, and High Store Europe. To satisfy our customers, we also don’t advertise most of our products online for security reasons, so kindly message us for inquiries. We also work together with trusted manufacturers based in Europe, China, the USA, etc. Also, with over 10 years of activity, we have created a trusted network of suppliers and distributors who work in synergy to secure and promote the RC community worldwide. However, transactions within our company are carried out with the necessary security measures to guarantee delivery and the safety of our clients. Our key values are to research products, not for human consumption. legitimate research chemicals | legit research chemical suppliers | USA research chemical vendors
-top-quality products (99.8% purity)
-Professional and discreet packaging, world-wide
-Free research chemical manual
-Cheap prices
-Secured payment methods such as crypto (bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies)
-Guaranteed delivery
N.B we don’t advertise all the products for securities reasons contact us for more info
contact us : +1(720) 449-3352
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