buy crystal salt online in hyderabad

10/03/2022 Other Services

Price: 15.00 ₹


"Crystal salt is loaded with minerals and provides numerous health benefits. This grocery staple can be used just like the normal salt during cooking. Crystal salt has a larger grain size than the table salt. It has a saltier flavour than table salt i.e., lesser quantity is needed to achieve the same taste. The larger grain size confers a stronger flavour. A pinch of this salt is enough to achieve fluid balance and prevent dehydration. This variety of salt is most commonly used to preserve foods like pickles. They are the major dietary source of iodine. They are also added as bath salts to soothe sore muscles and was found to improve the quality of the sleep. At Opoto, we have all kinds of Grocery staples available for the most discounted rates. Shop for the finest quality crystal salt, place an order today and we will make sure it is delivered by tommorrow.

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