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BZP is a piperazine derivative which comes as either the hydrochloride salt or a free base. The hydrochloride salt is a white solid while the base form is a slightly yellowish-green liquid. BZP base is corrosive and causes burns. In countries where its purchase is legal, BZP products are often produced in small specialist laboratories. BZP Benzylpiperazine powder

The raw materials can be purchased from various chemical supply agencies and formed into tablets or capsules using relatively cheap production techniques. The resulting product can be marketed at extremely high markup, so end-user prices can be as high as 300 times the bulk cost of raw ingredients. citation needed. buy BZP Benzylpiperazine powder online

BZP is often marketed ostensibly as a “dietary supplement” to avoid meeting stricter laws that apply to medicines and drugs, despite the fact that BZP has no dietary value. As of late 2005, the Misuse of Drugs Act ensured it can no longer be classified or marketed as a dietary supplement in New Zealand. Some retailers claim that BZP is a “natural” product, describing it as a “pepper extract” or “herbal high,” when in fact the drug is entirely synthetic, and has not been found to occur naturally.

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