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We are in search of a teenager, who is extremely adaptable towards the condition she will be put into, and can successfully convert any negative situations into a positive one. She should not only be well acquainted with her own culture, but should be open to diversity when it comes to trotting the globe.

No matter how many times she falls, she should be motivated enough to rise and shine again. Our vision is to find a girl, who can not only mesmerise the world with her physical beauty and confidence, but also would work towards the betterment of the world as a family. She would go on to become a figure whom people will look up to and will be able to influence millions of people in every possible way.

All of us working here as a team are walking towards a common mission- to find a teenage girl who will be able to stand out of the crowd. She should have the zeal in her to bring out changes in the world for our betterment and improve the lives of millions by having a positive impact on them. She should be looked up to as a role model by people from every corner of the world.

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Total Views:38
Reference Id:#2005639
Phone Number:8219655396


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