25/04/2024 Hospitals, Clinics
Bones & Joints
Meet Dr. Prashanth Jain, a distinguished Orthopedic specialist in Bengaluru with 19 years of expertise. Holding degrees in MBBS, MS, MCH, he is associated with the leading medical institutions in Bengaluru. His accolades include being a 'Member of Bangalore Orthopaedic Society' and 'Member of Indian Medical Association (IMA)'. Renowned for Knee and Hip Joint Replacements, Knee Arthroscopy, Back Pain, Spinal Surgeries, Sports Injuries, Arthritis, and Trauma Management, he combines advanced technology with compassionate care, making him the trusted choice as the best orthopedic in J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru.
080 4206 8463
# 25424 th, 16th Cross Road5th Phase, KR Layout, J. P. Nagar ppp2508@gmail.com
Total knee replacement is a life-changing procedure that can restore mobility, alleviate pain, and significantly improve the quality of life for indiv...
Bones & Joints Meet Dr. Prashanth Jain, a distinguished Orthopedic specialist in Bengaluru with 19 years of expertise. Holding degrees in MBBS, MS...
Did you know that small dietary changes can have a big impact on arthritis pain? Adding fatty fish, turmeric, ginger, berries, nuts, and leafy greens ...
Senior Consultant Joint Replacement & HOD, Department of Arthroplasty at Ramakrishna Care Hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Ex-Consultant at Shalby ...
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