Blue host user iramnasir

29/09/2021 Computer - IT - Webs

Price: 65.00 US$


Heaton and Danny Ashworth and they
wanted to kind of make a better hosting
company that had a couple iterations
before but Bluehost was the next
generation of hosting and they thought
you know hey if we ever got up to twenty
thirty thousand customers that's the
most we'd ever be able to flip handle
today we're well over that you know
we've got close to a million customers
we're going by thirty to forty thousand
a month and there's lots of things that
Bluehost has done to make the web
hosting industry better so not only you
have faster speeds more reliable uptime
and less bugs or issues that could
potentially take down your website but
it's just going to run cleaner and
faster and that's because of the
technology that we've developed here
that's something that really sets us
apart from our competition you know a
lot of a lot of companies they go out
they rent servers from a data center
they fire them up for their customers
and that's the extent of it they don't
really know the hardware and we all know
hardware very very well we build all of
our servers here in house we spec them
out we actually test different
configurations we work with the
manufacturers to have them build what we
want understanding that better helps
helps customers realize hey my downtime
is less on bluehost

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Total Views:39
Reference Id:#1780715
Phone Number:03211304428


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