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Blockchain is the digitized ledger of transactions. Save yourself from dispensable tension of banks. Get done with all the unwanted wait in the line, finishing of formalities and biased treatment. Record a transaction in as little as a second. Transparency and security are the key motives of Blockchain. Its working is a piece of cake. Request a transaction, transaction turns into a block, gets verified by participants, and adds to the existing chain of blocks.

There are two types of Blockchain. Private and Public. Private Blockchain is more secure than Public Blockchain. Every block has its own immutable cryptographic signature identity known as Hash. While recording a new transaction, the user gets a hash of both the previous and current block and timestamp of the transaction. Hash of the previous block attaches to the hash of the new block. Hence, a new transaction gets recorded.

Not only transactions, all the files, data, but even the smallest move in the organization can also be recorded in a blockchain. As mentioned earlier, transparency and security are the key motives of blockchain. With the high-tech security system, it is impossible to hack a blockchain. Every block is transparent but in coded form. The blockchain is available to everyone but there is no way that anyone can access its data. A mobile phone and internet connectivity are all you require for this thrilling experience.

If you have come so far, then you must have made your mind to install blockchain in your organization. Keep reading to know how to get started with Blockchain.

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