Price: 9999.00 ₹


Birth Certificate Consultants Service in Vidisha -9310724109
Birth Certificate Agents in Vidisha-9310724109
Birth Certificate Service in Vidisha-9310724109


According to the 1969 Birth Registration Act in India, every birth registration is mandatory. A birth certificate is a document that verifies the identity of individuals in a variety of circumstances. The birth registrar or chief medical officer is responsible for issuing a birth certificate under the State Governments. Here we will discuss in detail the guidelines for the birth certificate.

Here are the reasons for obtaining a birth certificate:

• To register for a marriage certificate, you must present a birth certificate to verify your age.
• To obtain documents such as passport, voter ID, driver's license, etc.
• For educational institutions & insurance benefits

For Birth Certificate in India, following documents along with the application form are required.

1. Proof of birth of the child
2. Affidavit stating date and time of the birth of the person
3. Parent residential proof
4. Parents’ identity proof

What is Non Availability of Birth Certificate: -

A Certificate of Non-Availability (NAC) / No Birth Certificate (NABC) is an official document issued by the relevant organization on FORM-10 (if the birth of a child is not possible or registered) and at the relevant birth and at the death registration office.

We “Trust Documentation Services -9310724109” are one of the service providers in India, acting as an authorized service provider between the applicant and the public authorities and providing the applicant document as soon as possible. Use our expertise to focus on what you love, while we focus on what we love.

For more detailed information & support please feel free to contact us at:-

Contact/Whatsapp No- 9310724109

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Reference Id:#1784887
Phone Number:9310724109


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