07/01/2022 Hospitals, Clinics
Total fertility rate (TFR) is the most commonly used metric which measures the average number of births per woman in a population. The global average fertility rate now is just below 2.5 children per woman. Over the last 50 years, the global fertility rate decreased as modern men and women are choosing to have fewer children. In the pre-modern era, the fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman are considered as high fertility rates and these were most common. This is a good fertility rate. This was true for the U.S, the UK, Russia, India and China and many other countries.
Plan B Fertility is the best IVF center in Hyderabad, located in Kondapur. We understand the complexities and emotional challenges associated with inf...
Low-Cost Surrogacy Center in Hyderabad • Healthy Surrogate Mothers • Reasonable Surrogacy Charges • Call/W: +91 844 884 1271 Email: info@ekmifertility...
MotherToBe is recognized as the best IVF centre in Hyderabad, offering world-class fertility treatments with consistently high success rates. As the b...
MotherToBe Fertility Clinic is the best fertility centre in Hyderabad, offering a wide range of advanced fertility treatments, including IVF, IUI, ICS...
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