
Best Diabetes Test in Ranchi |Diabetes Test|Best Pathology Lab in Ranchi | PathLabs in Ranchi offers blood test |
Diabetes is a chronic medical condition in which the pancreas fails to produce insulin, which is required for glucose transfer into our cells. As a result, high blood sugar levels arise. Insulin aids the generation of energy by body cells from glucose. Hyperglycemia is harmful to the body in the long run and can disrupt the functioning of several organs.
Diabetes is called a "Silent Killer" by medical professionals since it causes a slew of additional problems in patients. The current total number of people, living with diabetes, around the world is over 425 million. According to IDF (International Diabetes Federation), followed by India. One in two people living with diabetes, currently, remains undiagnosed. It is very important to have an early diagnosis and proper treatment to avoid serious complications. Nowadays, access to various affordable essential medicines for diabetes has improved. This has also reduced the cost of it for individuals and families and also provide a discount offer in the cure path lab.

Harmful Effect Diabetes on our Body:-
• Stroke: Diabetics have a four-fold greater risk of stroke when compared to people who do not have diabetes.
• Loss of Consciousness: When the body creates a high quantity of blood acids called ketones, a person may lose consciousness or perhaps go into a coma.
• Visual Disturbances: Damaged blood vessels in the eyes can create visual abnormalities such as floaters. This can result in blindness if left untreated.
• Cataracts and Glaucoma: People with diabetes have a higher risk of glaucoma and cataracts than those who do not have diabetes.
• Risk of Heart Disease: High blood raising the risk of heart disease.
• Fatigue and Tiredness: it is caused by high blood sugar levels and other problems of the disease.
• High Blood Pressure: A diabetic is at an increased risk of acquiring high blood pressure.
• Pancreas Malfunction: Your body will not be able to convert glucose into energy if your pancreas is malfunctioning or non-functioning.
• Protein in the Urine: A high quantity of protein in the urine could indicate that your kidneys are damaged and not functioning properly.
• Damaged Blood Vessels: If you have too much glucose in your body, blood flow is restricted, which can produce a variety of symptoms as well as damage to your blood vessels. It goes without saying that diabetics who smoke are at a higher risk.
• Nerve Damage: Diabetes can cause nerve damage, which can make you feel like you're on pins and needles
• Dry Mouth: The body loses fluids at a faster pace when blood sugar is uncontrolled and high. This might cause dry mouth and cracked lips, which are common diabetes symptoms.
Two types of Diabetes:-
Type 1 Diabetes:- The immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, resulting in Type 1 diabetes. These cells are known as beta cells. Children under the age of 18 are the ones who are most likely to be diagnosed with it.
Risk factors of type 1 diabetes:
• Overweight
• Lack of exercise
• Unhealthy eating
• Family history
Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic illness. This has an effect on the body's sugar metabolism (glucose). Blood sugar levels will rise if not treated. Physical activity, eating healthy meals, and maintaining a healthy weight can all help to prevent type 2 diabetes. Consult the best Pathology Lab in Ranchi doctor if you notice any of the symptoms of diabetes in your child.
The main symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are:-
• Frequent urination
• Excessive thirst
• Weight loss
• Blurred vision
Diabetes can be properly managed by:-. With the help of health professionals Doctors and appropriate self-management, people with diabetes can live a long and healthy life with the best diabetes test in Ranchi.
Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented currently.
Type-2 diabetes can be managed by following guidelines strictly:
Know your risk factors and take action:-
• Stay active
• Eat healthily
• Have regular checkups for early diagnosis
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Take prescribed medicine regularly
• Avoid tobacco and limit alcohol
The following criteria, one or more are met, diabetes should be diagnosed:
• Following a 75g oral glucose load, two-hour plasma glucose ≥ 11.1 mmol/L
• Fasting plasma glucose ≥ 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/ dl)

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