Best Deal on Carbendazim 5 GR at Peptech Biosciences Ltd

02/12/2023 Home - Furniture - Garden Supplies

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Carbendazim 5% GR serves as a comprehensive systemic fungicide utilized for managing various fungal diseases in crops, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, and ornamental plants. This formulation comprises 5% Carbendazim as the active component presented in granular form. The mechanism of action for Carbendazim 5% GR involves hindering the growth and reproduction of fungal cells, thereby impeding the generation of new fungal spores and curtailing the spread of the disease. When administered to the roots, the active ingredient permeates intercellular spaces, entering the xylem vessels and being transported along with the sap flow towards the foliage. When applied to the leaves, the fungicide enters the xylem and disperses to the distant portions of the leaf, but it does not move in the opposite direction towards the roots. Its primary mode of action involves inhibiting the development of germ tubes, the formation of appressoria, and the growth of mycelia.

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Company Name: Peptech Biosciences Ltd.
Phone: 7291990294
Address: 905, 9th Floor, Big joes Tower, Netaji Subhash Place, New Delhi
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Total Views:56
Reference Id:#2188644
Phone Number:7291990294


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