07/12/2021 Other Services
Unable to afford basic human needs like thirst, food, and shelter, parents living in poverty are often left with no choice but to catapult their children into the same unjust world of child labor that they have grown up in. Few can barely save money and admit their child into a school, where the child faces difficulties owing to years of inequality.
Unable to afford basic human needs like thirst, food, and shelter, parents living in poverty are often left with no choice but to catapult their child...
Discover the best baby sleeping consultant in India, offering expert guidance to help your baby sleep peacefully through the night. Get personalized s...
Cheating on your partner is a crime, and no individual should have to deal with the same. An extramarital affair is considered a breach of faith and t...
Do you know that three of every ten children in India perform labour to earn a specific amount? The government of India has formed the Child Labour Am...
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