Assam Tour Packages Tourism Trip Best Places See Holidays

11/05/2021 Tour Packages, Vacation Deals

Price: 10000.00 ₹


Assam is a located in north eastern India, situated south of the Himalayas along the Brahmaputra River and Barak River valleys. Assam is internationally famous for its Tea and Silk. The state was the first site for oil drilling exploration in Asia. Assam has history of humans dating back to stone age, and is very rich in culture & religion. Over several thousand years the culture was developed and their mention are found even in Mahabharata. Despite numerous invasions, mostly by the Muslim rulers, no western power ruled Assam until the arrival of the British. Despite the Mughals making seventeen attempts to invade Assam, they were never successful. Several religious sites of Hindus are present in the state like the famous Kamakhya Temple & Bashista Muni Ashram(located in the south-east corner of Guwahati city, is a Shiva mandir dates back to the Vedic age. According to legend the ashram was founded by the great saint Basistha/Vasishtha). People of India considers Assam Trip as a pilgrimage. Other than the above there are lot of other activity in Assam Tour Packages.

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