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Arthrocentesis, commonly known as joint aspiration, is a minimally invasive procedure that plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating various joint conditions. By inserting a sterile needle into the joint space, healthcare providers can extract synovial fluid for analysis, aiding in the identification of issues such as infections, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. This analysis is essential for determining the underlying causes of joint swelling and pain, facilitating accurate diagnoses. Therapeutically, removing excess fluid from the joint can alleviate discomfort, reduce swelling, and improve mobility. In some cases, medications like corticosteroids are injected post-aspiration to further diminish inflammation and provide sustained relief. The procedure is generally safe, with minimal risks such as minor bleeding or bruising at the injection site. If you're experiencing joint swelling, pain, or stiffness, consult with your healthcare provider to determine if arthrocentesis is an appropriate option for you. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for optimal joint health and function.

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Reference Id:#2536588


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