Anti Smog Gun Supplier in Ghaziabad

19/01/2024 Special Machines

Price: 201001.00 ₹


► Anti-smog gun is used to spray water after connecting it with water tank mounted on a tower.

► It converts the water into a fine spray with droplets size of 20-10 microns by passing it at high pressure through propellers.

► The idea behind this invention is to reduce air pollution by binding dust and other particulate matter and carrying them down to the ground level along with water.

► This is been designed for small to medium properties like schools, hospitals, hotels, restraunt, banquets, farm houses, gardens etc.

► It basically works as rain to bring down the suspended particles present in the air. This device could be mounted any where and spray mist to settle all suspended particles.

► Anti smog gun for small areas can spray mist in 1200 sqmt area with the capacity of 30 litres per hr to bring down the polluted particles from the atmosphere.

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Reference Id:#2194955
Phone Number:07065566201


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