Price: 2000.00 £



Spiritual attack is the attack that come in a spiritual form,enemies can attack their targets without any cause,the aim of the devil is to steal,kill and destroy

One secret about enemies is they don't attack or trouble someone that has nothing to offer in life.

If you're experiencing any of the following physically or in the dream, it's a sign the enemies are attacking your life, and the reason is that you have something to offer in life. You have a bright future.

However, some of the things you will notice if the enemies are attacking your life.

(1). You will find it very difficult to pray.

(2). Thoughts of going back to your old lifestyle will overwhelm you. Instead of thinking of a brighter future, it's thoughts of old ways that will be pressuring your mind.

(3). Often walking into cobwebs in open places.

(4). Being chased/crying in the dream.

(5). Bathing in an open place in the dream.

(6). If you are trying to run fast in the dream but you can't.

(7). Being served food by a strange face in the dream.

(????. A negative dream you have not experienced before.

(9). Swimming in the midst of strange people in the dream.

(10). Being surrounded by people that can help you, but the help is not coming.

(11). You are Struggling seriously but not bothered by itOpportunities always slip away.

(12). Experiencing promise and fail.

(13) being tied somewhere in the dream.

(14). You can't do anything reasonable with money.

(15). Your plans or expectations suddenly turn to disappointment.

(16). You borrow more than you earn.

(17). You dreamed and see yourself in the village, former places you have lived.

(18). Unknown faces coming to have fun with you in the dream.

(19). Working but you can’t give an account of how you are spending the money,Whenever you want to do something with money, it goes,inbox with your Sur name with R200 for your consultation +27 73 291 7278....

Thokoza ????????????????
Aaron Wan Aiden
Fulfil your Goals with 100% guarantee and genuine results.
1-bring back lost love.
. 2-broken relationship /marriages.
3-stop cheating partners.
4-clear debts.
5-bind him/her forever.
6-ritual cleansing.
7-barreness problems.
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9-business boost and protection from your competitors.
10-financial problems (money in the bank account or in the house).
11-win big government contracts.
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14-help to get your provident, accident, pension fund quickly.
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17-help to get promotion and salary increase.
18-land problems.

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