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Advocate Vivek Nasa - Best Mutual Consent Divorce Lawyer in Gurugram
Understanding Mutual Consent Divorce

Mutual consent divorce is a legal process where both spouses agree to dissolve their marriage amicably. It is a relatively simpler and quicker process compared to contested divorces. In Gurugram, the procedure is primarily governed by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, the Special Marriage Act, 1954, and the Indian Divorce Act, 1869.

Key Steps in the Mutual Consent Divorce Process

Joint Petition Filing:

Both spouses must jointly file a petition before the Family Court in Gurugram.

The petition should include:

Detailed information about the marriage

Reasons for seeking a divorce

A mutual agreement on property division, child custody, and maintenance

Mandatory Cooling-Off Period:

The court imposes a mandatory six-month cooling-off period between the filing of the petition and the final decree.

This period is intended to allow couples time to reconsider their decision and potentially reconcile.

First Motion:

After the cooling-off period, the first motion is filed.

Both spouses must appear before the court to confirm their consent to the divorce.

The court verifies the genuineness of the divorce petition.

Second Motion:

A minimum of one month after the first motion, the second motion is filed.

If both parties reaffirm their consent and fulfill all legal requirements, the court grants a decree of divorce.

Legal Provisions Governing Mutual Consent Divorce

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

Section 13B: This section outlines the procedure for divorce by mutual consent for Hindu marriages.

Section 25: This section deals with the division of matrimonial property, including both movable and immovable property.

Section 26: This section outlines the provisions for maintenance and alimony.

Section 27: This section deals with the custody and guardianship of minor children.

Special Marriage Act, 1954

Section 29: This section outlines the procedure for divorce by mutual consent for marriages solemnized under the Special Marriage Act.

Section 30: This section deals with the division of matrimonial property.

Section 31: This section outlines the provisions for maintenance and alimony.

Section 32: This section deals with the custody and guardianship of minor children.

Indian Divorce Act, 1869

Section 10A: This section outlines the procedure for divorce by mutual consent for Christian marriages.

Section 23: This section deals with the division of matrimonial property.

Section 24: This section outlines the provisions for maintenance and alimony.

Section 25: This section deals with the custody and guardianship of minor children.

Factors Affecting the Divorce Process

Several factors can influence the duration and complexity of a mutual consent divorce in Gurugram:

Marital Property Division:

The division of assets acquired during the marriage is a crucial aspect of the divorce process.

The court may consider factors such as the duration of the marriage, the contributions of each spouse, and the financial needs of both parties.

Child Custody and Maintenance:

If there are children involved, the court will determine custody rights and child support obligations.

The best interests of the child are paramount in these decisions.

Spousal Maintenance:

The court may order one spouse to pay maintenance to the other, especially if one party is financially dependent.

Factors such as the duration of the marriage, the standard of living during the marriage, and the earning capacity of both parties are considered.
Contact Us Today

If you are facing a divorce in Gurugram, don't hesitate to contact Vivek Nasa Associates. We are ready to assist you with your legal needs.

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