
A varicocele develops when the veins of the scrotum called the pampiniform or plexus becoming enlarged and dilated. This can cause a variety of symptoms, including swelling and pain in the scrotum and infertility in some instances. In reality, it's believed among the primary reasons for male infertility is having varicocele. The testicles raise in temperature since they're sensitive to fluctuations in temperature which means that their normal function and ability to produce sperm is affected. Varicoceles that are not treated properly can in time affect the quality and quantity of sperm and make it difficult for a man to have an infant.

Traditionally, surgical procedures such as varicocelectomy that cuts and ligates the veins affected, are employed in treating varicocele. But, surgery doesn't provide all the remedies. Many of these patients, consequently, choose alternatives that don't present the dangers and risks of surgery. Varicocele natural remedies in homeopathy are popular to treat varicocele.

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