Price: 1699.00 ₹


11 digestive enzymes and a probiotic are included in a formulation that Healthyr-U initially introduced in India to support digestive health. Probiotic supplements and sophisticated digestive enzymes can help you maintain the health of your gut by supporting smooth digestion and preserving your gut microbiota.

Advanced Digestive Benefits

Helps To Relieve Indigestion Fast
Helps to restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut and powerful digestive enzymes breakdown complex food

Helps In Nutrient Absorption
Enzymes help to break down complex food into smaller pieces, making it easier for the body to digest and absorb nutrients.

Helps Maintain Gut Microflora
Helps to maintain a healthy balance between the beneficial and harmful bacteria in the gut.

Helps Ease Indigestion Related Conditions
11 powerful digestive enzymes can help with indigestion, gas and bloating, acid reflux and diarrhoea. Also, help reducing inflammation that occurs from incomplete food digestion.

Increased Energy Levels
Digestive enzymes help in the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, the necessary glucose element used by the body to increase energy levels.

Boosted Immune Function
Probiotics can give a boost to your immune system, helping it fight off germs and infections more effectively and have a better defense against harmful pathogens.

Break Down Complex Foods
A digestive enzyme and probiotic tablet can help your body break down complex foods more efficiently, aiding in better digestion and nutrient absorption.

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Reference Id:#2554465
Phone Number:08169141414


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