Add 15 Years To Our Life

02/06/2021 Fitness & Activity

Price: 800.00 ₹


Our mission is to create a national awareness about health care conditions & challenges , and provide solutions & guidance in easily understandable language. people can access proactive healthcare tips in very simple words maximizing life span in India from 65 to 85 years.

Add15Years concept is based on the research model encrypted by Dr. Om Goel stating, “Adding 15 Years To Your Life”.
Our mission is to create a national awareness about health care conditions & challenges , and provide solutions & guidance in easily understandable language. people can access proactive healthcare tips in very simple words maximizing life span in India from 65 to 85 years.

1- Information about healthy food habits exercise holistic health complementary healing health maintenance & much more
2- Educating people about importance of regular health checks ups , blood tests & other important tests
3- Helping people to live happy healthy & interdependent till the last years to life…
4- Short & precise books related to varied health & wellness topics
5- Comprehensive and pocket friendly for all
6- Convey technical terms or medical words in ways that the audience can easily grasp
7- Easily affordable in India

Our ADD15 is a series of medical books to spread medical health awareness to enhance a healthy life. It has written in multiple languages and three different formats (E Book, Audio, video formats) in very simple words.


(Prof.) Dr. S. Om Goel, MD/DM From family
of doctors from AIIMS, MAMC Delhi University
MD Medicine, USA DM/Fellowship, USA
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