Price: 500.00 ₹

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About ACL Treatment

Anterior Cruciate Ligament is the main ligament in the knee. When someone is involved in a sport, especially the one that involves sudden stops and changes in direction, e.g.:- Volleyball, soccer, basketball, football, etc. This surgery is performed by a surgical doctor who specializes in bones and joints.

ACL Treatment Cost

ACL - Anterior Cruciate Ligament is present at the center of your knee that holds the shin bone at its place. A tear in this ligament completely restricts physical activities related to your knee and may lead to ACL surgery.

Treating this ligament is to replace it with some other one. This new ligament may come from your own body; precisely your knee tendon or hamstring tendon. It is known as autograft in this case. When it comes from a donor's body, it is termed as allograft.

What is the ACL Ligament Surgery Cost in India? ACL Ligament Reconstruction Surgery Cost in India is between 2.5 lakh to 3.5 lakh. But its depends on implants.

Dr. Darsh Goyal - Best Orthpedic Treatment in India

Dr. Goyal’s Bones & Joint Centre is among the best centres for advanced Arthroscopy/ Laser Surgery and is managed by the finest orthopaedic surgeon in New Delhi. Dr. Darsh Goyal is a renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon who has experience of nearly two decades in knee and shoulder surgery. He has successfully treated more than nine thousand patients. Dr. Darsh has received training from some of the most respected institutes worldwide - NHS England, Hss New York, USA, and Munich, Germany. The centre offers various services - Spine treatment, Knee replacement, ACL treatment, Joint replacement, Hip treatment, etc.

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