Accurate and Precise Technical Translation

29/06/2023 Writing - Editing - Translating

Price: 400086.00 ₹


Technical translation is the process of translating technical documents from one language to another. Technical documents can include a wide variety of materials, such as user manuals, product specifications, software documentation, and patent applications.
Technical translation requires a high level of accuracy and expertise. The translator must have a deep understanding of the technical subject matter and the target language. They must also be able to use the appropriate terminology and to convey the technical information in a clear and concise way.

706, 7th Floor, Reena Complex
Ramdev Nagar Road, Vidyavihar (West)
Mumbai - 400 086, Maharashtra

Call to ask any question +91-7066316633

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Reference Id:#2098715
Phone Number:07066316633


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