
Company Description- A lifestyle brand started in 2016 that deals with fashionable consumer electronics. The product range has expanded to include an extensive catalogue of headphones, earphones, speakers, travel chargers & premium cables. The brand has been gaining traction while riding the waves of Nirvana in the Audio Electronics sector. The average boAthead is prevalent across a number of categories. The “boAtheads” are the pillars upon which our foundation has been built. What makes a boAthead? That would be the trendsetters, a person that likes to make his/her presence known. The ones who love to rock out and have fun, to fearlessly dig deep and stay en-grained to their own truths. boAt’s distinct sound has brought known faces into our midst, showing that the love for good music is a universal one.

Campaign Description- Boat CPS provides an opportunity for its publishers to earn good revenue if the sale is made using the publisher's link.

Target Market- PAN India

Target group- Male, Female, 18 and above

Objective: To generate sales for the campaign Boat CPS

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Total Views:40
Reference Id:#1916610


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