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We’ve clearly established that credential storage and verification is currently the primary Use Cases of Blockchain applied across institutions. Degrees, diplomas and certificates can be stored and issued on the blockchain. Instead of requesting to certify a paper copy, employers, universities, and schools will only need to provide a link to verify the diploma.

It also prevents people from submitting fake degrees to potential employers, a situation that is, regrettably, all too common. Skilled forgers constantly develop new techniques to forge fraudulent degrees to ensure they are undetectable. Blockchains can issue unique digital assets that verify the credentials of academic degrees and certifications.

Along with credentials verification, there are various use cases of blockchain in the education and recruitment industries. Many of them are currently living in multiple universities. We have touched based on a few of them till now. However, let’s take an in-depth look at some of the practical Use Cases of Blockchain cases employed by other countries.

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