6 Interesting Health Benefits of Makhana

22/05/2023 Fitness & Activity

Price: 5000.00 ₹


The traditional Indian snack known as makhana is also a high-value aquatic cash crop. It thrives in perennial stagnant bodies of water. Makhana has been widely used in traditional oriental medicine to treat a number of illnesses, including kidney issues, persistent diarrhea, excessive leucorrhea, and splenic hypofunction. Additionally, due to its high mineral content and medicinal value, it is quickly becoming recognized as a super food on a global scale. Makhanas are a potent source of protein, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, and thiamine. They are also a rich source of other nutrients. Makhana is also a good source of important amino acids, both raw and fried.Aktual Foodz is a leading Online Makhana Store Delhi, Buy Makhana Online Delhi. We believes that healthy snacks are economical, highly nutritious, and highly healthy.
6 Interesting Makhana Benefits.
1. Nutritionally dense.
A healthy, well-balanced diet would benefit greatly from including makhana as it is a great source of several essential nutrients. Each serving has a healthy amount of carbs and is also a good source of several micronutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus
2. Strong in antioxidants.
Makhana contains a variety of antioxidants, which are chemicals that aid in scavenging dangerous free radicals and avoiding oxidative stress. Makhana in particular contains particular anti-oxidants like Gallic acid, chromogenic acid, and epicatechin
3. May aid in blood sugar level stabilization.
Makhana may aid in better blood sugar management, according to some research. For instance, one experiment on animals revealed that giving rats with diabetes a supplement containing makhana extract improved blood sugar control and increased several antioxidant enzymes
4. Could aid in weight loss.
Makhana seeds are an excellent way to increase your intake of protein and fiber, two essential nutrients that may aid in weight loss. Particularly, protein has been found to lessen food cravings and assist in controlling appetite

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