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5 valuable tips enjoy the best results of bariatric surgery

After the recognition of obesity as a disease, various efforts have been made to eradicate the pandemic. Awareness campaigns and the best weight loss surgeon’s efforts around the globe have made it possible to seek obesity treatment. Development and technology haven’t spared this field of life by any means. State-of-the-art machinery, technology, and the best weight loss surgeon in Pakistan assure the promising results of bariatric surgery for weight loss.

With a step-to-step journey towards weight loss, the patient moves towards laparoscopic and bariatric surgery. The process proves to be a turning point in one’s life. No doubt, the success rate of bariatric surgery is not 100%, but that’s more likely due to negligence and improper follow-up by the patient. Hence, along with the financial investment, moral investment is a must for the best results of the surgery. Here is what you must do to ensure the results of bariatric surgery.

Food intake practices
Once you have undergone laparoscopic and bariatric surgery, you need to modify your diet. The weight loss surgery is about the size change of the stomach. The patient will feel satisfied even with significantly less food intake. If you hurry in eating or choose the wrong foods, it can hamper your efforts to lose weight, hence reaching the optimum results of bariatric surgery.

Proteins are a must
Doing so much for weight loss, you must know how long it takes to digest protein. If you don’t, the patient may feel satiety with only 4 ounces of protein meal which takes about 4 to 4.5 hours to digest. Conversely, carbohydrates break down quickly, and you are hungry again. Therefore, preferring a protein diet is always helpful in maintaining weight.

Following the laparoscopic and bariatric surgery, the food intake shrinks to only 4 ounces. Hence, vitamin intake is vital to substitute the significant cut down on your food intake. Moreover, after gastric bypass surgery, the patient may face difficulty in absorbing the vitamin B complex. Therefore, taking supplements is a must for the best results of bariatric surgery.

Strength training
According to the surveys and studies, patients only lose approximately 50 to 60 pounds during the first six months. Furthermore, most of the mass lost is lean muscle tissue. Consequently, such a significant loss lowers the metabolic rate within 1-2 years after the surgery. Hence, to avoid such an adverse impact of gastroenterologist in lahore , an aggressive strength workout proves to be the best.

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