5 preparation tips for the last month

16/04/2024 Education - Training

Price: 1.00 ₹


The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) will be held on May 7, 2017 and students aspiring to study medicine have only one month to prepare for the exam. Last year, the exam was held in two parts— NEET I and NEET II— in which physics was considered to be the trickiest section. This year, more than 11 lakh candidates have registered for the exam. With just a month to go, its time to pull up your socks and prepare accordingly. Here are some strategies to inculcate as the time ticks closer to NEET 2017: 1. Notes You have spent enough time over the previous year attending classes, reading and trying to understand numerous concepts that you have come across. If all these concepts are in a jumble, collect your notes, glimpse through all the biggest concepts and organise them properly. When it comes to competitive examinations, like NEET or JEE, well-organised notes can be counted as life savers in the last few days before the exam. When you have all the important points in one spot, there is no need to rush through 10 books trying to locate one concept that you just can’t seem to remember. Organising your notes will also give you a chance to quickly brush through all the important concepts and will count as a round of revision. Read | NEET 2017: Follow this two-month strategy 2. Practice sample papers With all the knowledge that you have collected over the year, there is no need to fear an exam that will mimic the potential questions of NEET. Practicing previous years papers and mock tests will not only give you a good idea of how to manage the time during the exam, but will also help you narrow down the kind of questions that will be asked. Practicing sample papers will also build your confidence and shine a torch on where you are going wrong

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