22/03/2025 Hospitals, Clinics
Welcome to Neera Eye Centre
Not Just Better Care, But A Better Care Experience
Neera Eye Center is a comprehensive eye care hospital located in Delhi. It is one of the leading eye centers in the country, offering state-of-the-art modern diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative services of the highest quality in ophthalmology.
Dr. Neera Aggarwal
M.S. Ophthalmology (K.G.M.C Lucknow) Fellow L.V. Prasad Eye Institute (Hyderabad)
Lasik surgery in Delhi 1995. Thousands of Lasik Sx, Cataract, Cornea transplant in the past. Was a senior consultant at Max Hospital. Guest speaker in many National and International speaker.
Welcome to Neera Eye Centre Not Just Better Care, But A Better Care Experience Neera Eye Center is a comprehensive eye care hospital located in Delhi....
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