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Vaitheeswarankoil Nadi Astrology: The Ancient Science of Predictions Introduction Vaitheeswarankoil, a sacred town in Tamil Nadu, is renowned for its ...
Welcome to A.Sivasamy Sivanadi Astrology Center Greetings Visitor, Welcome to This is the official website of Mr.A.Sivsamy, M.A, PhD....
I) kandams 2 to 12 will give the future predictions upto the end of life from the date of perusal of the kandam. (ii) special kandams viz sivanadi thu...
Prenatal care is the comprehensive care that women receive and provides for themselves throughout their pregnancy. Women who begin prenatal care early...
Our system helps you to streamline your Tank container Operations and better control of your Tank fleet, real time status, minimal workforce and acces...
Nadi leaf of a person is traced by the help of their thumb impression. Since nadi leaves run in lakhs in our library, a visitor’s nadi leaf can only b...