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In Java, the do-while loop is a control flow statement that executes a block of code repeatedly until a specified condition becomes false. In the do-w...
Setting up the environment for Java development involves installing the Java Development Kit (JDK) and a development environment such as an Integrated...
Java is high level programming language. It has a compiler named JAVA that use to convert java language to machine language or byte code. for more fre...
In this chapter, we will Write our first Java program and understand the basic structure of the main method. for more free learning visit:https://quip...
Java to Database Connectivity / Connection.JDBC is a software or API used to connect databases on Java applications. for more free learning visit:http...
Converting one type to another type is known as type casting.There are mainly two types:Data-type casting and Class-type casting for more free learnin...
Set is a type of collection that stores only unique elements. It doesn't allow duplicate elements.It doesn't have Index i.e. elements stored randomly....
The list is an ordered type of collection framework i.e. we can perform an index-wise operation on the list.It allows the duplicacy of elements. for m...
In CSS, we can control the position of an element within a web page using the position property. please visit:
Generics are mainly used in collections.Generics are mainly used to store specific types of objects. for more free learning visit: