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Under state law, murder in the first degree only applies to a narrow list of aggravating circumstances, including when the victim is a judge, a police...
“Powerfully, this support has transcended political, racial, and even class divisions, as mail has flooded MDC from across the country, and around the...
The commotion around Friday’s hearing mirrors the sympathy and support Mangione has garnered from a portion of the population since he was identified ...
The defense attorney also complained she has limited access to Mangione, who is being held in a federal detention center in Brooklyn while he awaits t...
In New York, he was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury on 11 counts, including one count of murder in the first degree and two counts of murder in the...
One attendee told CNN she’d arrived at the courthouse at 5 a.m. ET, hoping to witness the brief court proceedings in person. Others waved signs readin...