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IMP is the leading manufacturer and Supplier of high-purity iron required for various applications worldwide such as industrial, nutritional, cosmetic...
Electrolytic Iron Powder is the purest iron powder in the world manufactured and supplied by Industrial Metal Powders (I) Pvt Ltd by the process elect...
Buy Iron Powders from IMP India a leading metal powders manufacturing company in India. IMP manufacturers high purity iron powders required for variou...
IMP India is a significant manufacturer and supplier of hydrogen-reduced pure iron powders, which are primarily utilized by the food and pharmaceutica...
Atomized metal powders are used for different applications Diamond Cutting Tools, Decorative & Coating, Oxygen Absorbers. IMP with its 48 years of...
To reduce import dependency on Atomized metal powders, IMP with its 48 years of extensive experience in manufacturing iron powders has started a new m...
IMP India is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Atomized metal powders, atomized alloy powders specially used in the diamond cutting tools marke...
IMP is one of the leading suppliers of metal powders worldwide required for various applications such as industrial, nutritional, cosmetic, pharmaceut...
Industrial Metal Powders Pvt.Ltd is one of the leading Carbonyl iron powder suppliers in India. Carbonyl iron powder is being used for different appli...
IMP India is a leading manufacturer and supplier of hydrogen reduced food grade iron powders which are mainly used for iron fortification of food prod...