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Diabetes is a medical condition where blood sugar leves goes high or low uncontrollably. The body also unable to produce insulin. Insulin is a needed ...
The complete blood count is a group of blood tests that can calculate the presented cells in the blood, including red blood cells and white blood cell...
This blood test measures the amount of a protein called CA-125 (cancer antigen 125) in your blood. CA-125 levels are high in several women with ovaria...
Kidney function tests are simple processes that use either the blood or urine to help identify problems in the kidneys. There are a few different type...
Post COVID-19 symptoms can appear weeks after infection. People with long COVID report experiencing different Post Covid Symptoms • Tiredness or fatig...
Lipids are a group of biological molecules which include fats, oils & some steroids. If the lipid levels in our body become too high and unbalance...